11021 An internal error has occurred. Insufficient memory to allocate buffer.\n\nError 702.
11023 An internal read error has occurred on %s. Unable to load installation instructions.\n\nError 703.
11024 %s file has become corrupted. Unable to load installation instructions.\n\nError 704.
11031 Select Features
11032 Warning
11033 Severe
11034 Information
11035 Question
11036 Enter Information
11037 Setup Needs The Next Disk
11038 Choose Destination Location
11039 Please choose location of next disk.
11051 Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk.\n\nPlease check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path.
11052 Warning
11053 Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk.\n\nPlease check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path.
11054 Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk.\n\nPlease check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path.
11055 Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk.\n\nPlease check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path.
11061 Install
11071 Setup in unable to initialize the installation program. The script file may be bad.\n\nError 502.
11113 Setup has detected a possible infinite loop in the script with function %s. Make sure you are handling the error returns codes properly.\n\nError 440.
11115 InstallShield Wizard
11116 Setup Initialization Error
11118 &Finish
11132 Setup has encountered an infinite loop error in the script. Correct the script and try again. \n\nError 424.
11133 Setup has encountered an incomplete return statement in the script.\nCheck your script for unmatched return statements.\n\nError 425.
11134 Setup is unable to find the installation script file: %s \n\nError 426.
11135 Setup is unable to load the installation script file.\n\nError 423.
11137 Setup is unable to copy the installation support file %s to a temporary location.\n\nError 420.
11138 Setup is unable to copy the installation support file _SETUP.LIB to a temporary location. Make more space available and try again.\n\nError 421.
11139 Setup is unable to expand the installation support file %s.\n\nError 422.
11140 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with a previous version or has been corrupted.\n\nError 427.
11141 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with an older version of InstallShield. Please recompile with the current version.\n\nError 428.
11142 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created with a newer version of InstallShield. Please use the newer InstallShield Setup program.\n\nError 429.
11143 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created using InstallShield for Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Edition. Recompile the script using InstallShield Professional Edition.\n\nError 430.
11144 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created using InstallShield Professional Edition. Recompile the script using the InstallShield for Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Edition.\n\nError 431.
11146 %d %%
11147 Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use. Please close unInstallShield and restart setup.\n\nError 432.
11148 An attempt was made to access a structure with an invalid pointer. The installation will terminate.\n\nError 705.
11149 Setup is unable to load the installation script file: %s \nThe script was created using InstallShield Evaluation Edition. Recompile the script using InstallShield Professional Edition.\n\nError 433.
11161 Setup is unable to initialize the installation program ( INSTALL.EXE ).\n\nError 201.
11162 Setup is unable to initialize the installation program.\n\nError 202.
11182 About...
11221 A division by zero error was detected in the script. \n\nInstallation will continue.\n\nError 701.
11341 Error
11351 String variable is not large enough for string.\nCheck the string declarations.\n\nError 401.
11355 OK
11356 Cancel
11412 About...
11421 Times New Roman
11461 An internal error has occurred.\n\nClose all programs and restart the system.\n\nError %d.
11491 Unable to write to response file '%s' during recording. Please ensure enough space is available on target drive.
11492 General error.
11493 Invalid mode.
11494 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file.
11495 Not enough memory available.
11496 File does not exist.
11497 Unable to write to the log file.
11498 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file.
11499 Not a valid list type (string or number).
11500 Data type is invalid.
11501 Unknown error during setup.
11502 Dialogs are out of order.
11503 Cannot create the specified folder.
11504 Cannot access the specified file or folder.
11505 Invalid option selected.
11511 K
11512 MB
11514 9
11515 0x0411* l r ÆSÆVÆbÆN*9
11600 There is not enough space to install these option(s).\nPlease free up some disk space or modify your selections.
11601 Setup is complete. You may run the installed program by double-clicking on the installed program icon.
11602 Installation complete.
11603 Installing...
11604 There is not enough space available on the disk.
11605 Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk.
11606 This program requires VGA or better resolution.
11607 Do you want to view the README file now?
11608 General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again.
11609 Copying program files...
11610 Creating Program Group and Icons...
11611 Installation program cannot modify file %s.
11612 Unable to create target folder %s.
11613 Please check write access to %s.
11614 Unable to locate file %s.
11615 Please choose a different folder.
11616 Choose the installation language.
11617 Keep the older version.
11618 You may run Setup at a later time to complete the installation.
11619 Do you want to quit the Setup program now?
11620 Do you want to continue this installation?
11621 If you choose to continue, the installation program will overwrite the existing version.
11622 The Installation program failed to load file %s.
11623 Installation program has successfully modified the %s file, and the old version of the file is saved as %s.
11624 A version of %s is currently in use.
11625 Please close all applications and run setup again.
11626 Please choose the installation folder.
11627 Choose the type of installation.
11628 You must quit all programs and restart your computer before using the application.
11629 Related File
11630 Error Number
11631 The installation program cannot save the newly modified %s file back to disk.
11632 A folder name cannot contain any of the following characters:
11633 Rename
11634 Setup is not complete. If you quit the setup program now, the features you requested to add/remove will not be installed/uninstalled.\n\nYou may run the setup program at a later time to complete the operations.\n\nAre you sure you want to quit the setup?
11635 Exit Setup
11700 Installing:
11701 Uninstalling:
14001 The folder:\n\n'%s'\n\ndoes not exist. Do you want the folder to be created?
14002 The specified folder: \n\n'%s'\n\nis invalid, incomplete or write protected. Please type a full path with drive letter; for example 'C:\APPS'.
14003 Choose Folder
14004 Destination:
14005 OK
17000 CRC error: The file %s doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file. The medium from which you are running the setup may be corrupted; contact your software vendor.
17001 The following error occurred on the file '%s'.\n\n%s (0x%x)
17002 An option you selected requires that files be installed to or uninstalled from your system, or both. A locked file, %s, was found while performing the needed file operations. To leave this file as it is on your system, click the Ignore button; to retry the file operation, click Retry; or to perform the operation when your system is rebooted, click Reboot.
17003 Unable to locate the file %s on disk %d. Please select an operation.
17004 Please insert disk %d that contains the file %s.
17005 An option you selected requires that files be installed to your system, or files be uninstalled from your system, or both. A read-only file, %s, was found while performing the needed file operations on your system. To perform the file operation, click the Yes button; otherwise, click No.
17006 Cannot add feature. FeatureAddItem was unable to add a feature to the script-created feature set.
17007 Specified feature already exists. FeatureAddItem was called twice with the same media name and feature name.
17008 Specified feature cannot be unselected. FeatureSelectItem was called to deselect a feature required by a currently selected feature.
17009 Specified feature name is not valid. The value passed in the second parameter of FeatureInitialize is not valid.
17010 Specified feature cannot be found in the media. An attempt was made to access a feature that does not exist in the named media.
17011 Invalid file specification made in function call. The value of the parameter szFile in a call to FeatureFileInfo is invalid (for example, a null string).
17012 Attempted operation not allowed with script-created feature sets. A script-created feature set name was passed to a feature function (for example, FeatureFileInfo), that operates only on file media.
17013 The list specified in the feature function is not valid. When calling FeatureFileEnum, FeatureFileInfo, FeatureListItems, or FeatureSetupTypeEnum, verify that the list you are passing to the function is valid.
17014 Attempted operation not allowed with file media library. A file media name was passed to a feature function (for example, FeatureAddItem), that operates only on script-created feature sets.
17015 Media is already initialized. FeatureInitialize was called to initialize a media that was already initialized.
17016 The specified file media library was not generated by the InstallShield Media Build Wizard. The file Data1.cab is corrupt, or the file specified in a call to FeatureInitialize is not an InstallShield-generated cabinet file.
17017 The specified media cannot be found. The media has been declared but it not associated with any features. Make sure that either script-created features or file media features are associated with the media.
17018 Unable to allocate memory. Insufficient memory is available to the setup. Display a message to the end user to close down all other applications or to cancel the setup, reboot the system, and restart the setup.
17019 Specified option is not valid. An invalid option has been specified for a feature function.
17020 Specified password does not match. The specified password does not match the password stored in the specified file media library or feature.
17021 Specified password cannot be found. FeatureValidate was called to validate a feature or a file media library for which no password has been set.
17022 The media or the feature password was not validated. FeatureValidate was not called to validate the features and/or the file media library before transferring those features with FeatureMoveData.
17023 Target path for the feature cannot be found. The target directory for a script-defined folder has not been set or is invalid.
17024 Invalid value passed to a feature-related function. One of the values passed to a feature function is invalid. This error can be caused, for example, by passing an empty string in the second parameter of FeatureAddItem.
17025 Data cannot be read from the internet. This error occurs when using InstallFromTheWeb in conjunction with InstallShield.
17026 Internet has been disconnected. This error occurs when using InstallFromTheWeb in conjunction with InstallShield. The Internet connection has been lost and cannot be reestablished by InstallFromTheWeb.
17027 Cabinet file generated by an older version of InstallShield. Verify that the project was built with your most recent version of InstallShield. Verify that you are not using mismatched cabinet files generated by different versions of InstallShield.
17028 Unable to decompress a file. An internal error occurred. Contact technical support.
17029 Disk ID specified in call to FeatureMoveData is not valid. FeatureMoveData has already been called to transfer files and has not been reinitialized. To reinitialize FeatureMoveData, call that function with a null string in the first parameter.
17030 Out of disk space. The target disk or directory has insufficient free space; the disk space can not be determined because TARGETDIR is invalid; or a script-defined folder of a feature has not been set.
17031 EnterDisk function called failed. Internal error occurred. Contact technical support.
17032 Specified file cannot be found. To determine which file is missing, check the value returned by FeatureError in the parameter svFile.
17033 Specified file cannot be opened as read-only. The file Data1.cab (or one of the other data cab files) is missing or corrupted; or an uncompressed data file is missing from a CD-ROM, Data As Files build.
17034 Specified file cannot be opened as read/write. Unable to append to split file. Contact technical support.
17035 Specified file cannot be opened as write. An attempt was made to overwrite a locked file belonging to a file group that does not have the Potentially Locked or Shared property set to Yes.
17036 Cannot read the specified file. A data cab file or an uncompressed data file may be corrupt.
17037 Unable to self-register a file properly. This error has many possible causes. For details, refer to article Q101538 in the InstallShield Knowledge Base.
17038 Unable to update a shared file in FeatureMoveData. Internal error. Contact technical support.
17039 Unable to write to a file. Internal error. Contact technical support.
17040 Unable to find a file group. The specified file group could not be found. The name of the missing file group is returned by FeatureError in the parameter svFileGroup.
17042 An error occurred with the specified media. FeatureMoveData has already been called to transfer files and has not been reinitialized.
17043 Error renaming a file. An attempt was made to transfer an executable file (an .exe or .com file) over a locked file without setting the Potentially Locked property to Yes.
17044 Unknown Error.
17045 Do you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its features?
17047 The file %s may no longer be needed by any application. You can delete this file, but doing so may prevent other applications from running correctly. Select Yes to delete the file.
17048 Locked File Detected
17049 Shared File Detected
17050 Error: %d
17051 ReadOnly File Detected
17052 Ignore
17053 Retry
17054 Resolution is equal to %d, this program requires VGA or better resolution.
17055 The following files did not self-register or unregister:\n\n
17056 To continue, click OK; otherwise, click Cancel.
17057 Feature transfer error
17058 Error : 0x%x\n\n
17059 <More files...>\n\n
17060 Self-Registration Error
17061 Confirm Uninstall
17063 VGA Resolution Error
17064 CRC Error
17065 File Error
17066 Unhandled Exception
17067 Error Number: 0x%X\nDescription: %s
17068 Setup will now terminate.
17069 InstallShield Restore Point
17070 Installed
17071 Configured
17072 Removed
17100 Internal Failure
17101 Error Number: 0x%X\nDescription: %s
17500 Typical
17501 Compact
17502 Custom
17503 Setup has finished installing %p on your computer.\n
17504 InstallShield Wizard has finished performing maintenance operations on %p.\n
17505 Maintenance Complete
17600 &Path:
17601 &Directories:
17800 Division by zero
17801 Failed to load dll
17802 Failed to find dll function
17803 Dll function call resulted in bad stack\n Possible incorrect prototyping
17804 String accessed out of bounds
17805 Object reference not set
17806 Unknown Error
17807 Dll function call crashed
18000 Volume
18001 Available
18002 Required
18003 Differences
18004 The InstallShield« Patch Wizard will install the patch for %P on your computer. To continue, click Next.
18005 Welcome to the InstallShield Patch Wizard for %P
18006 Are you sure you want to completely remove '%s' and all of its components?
18007 The wizard was interrupted before %P could be completely installed.
18008 The system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, run the installation again.\n\nClick Finish to exit the wizard.
18009 InstallShield Wizard Completed.
18010 Network Location\nSpecify a network location for the server image of the product.
18011 Enter the network location or browse to a location. Click Install to create a server image of %P or click Cancel to exit the wizard.
18012 Fatal error during installation.
18013 Consult Windows Installer Help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more information.